Igor Klepikov
Novokuznetsk state Institute for postgraduate doctors
Igor Klepikov was born and studied in the USSR.Pediatric surgeon of the highest qualification in Russia and Israel with experience of over 40 years,MD,professor.Currently retired,lives with his family in the United States.
Research Interest
The paradox of the scientific career of highly qualified pediatric surgeon of Russia and Israel lies in the fact that the most impressive result have been achieved in the non-surgical section of the medicine.Work in the Siberian clinic of Pediatric Surgery Included the duty treatment of children with the most agressive forms of acute pneumonia in the early stage of the disease.A large concentration of such patients (up to 10 or more at the same time), the rapid development of purulent complications and high mortality (up to 10% or more) were forced to look for ways to solve this problem.Raising doubts about the high virulence of pathogens as the sole cause of complications and using classical(unclaimed clinicians) pathophysiological studies, the original concept of the pathogenesis of acute pneumonia and their complications was created.New scientific understanding of the dynamics of the inflammatory process in the lung under the influence of different treatments had achieved impressive results and declare a guaranteed prevention of purulent complications. Time has shown that the results obtained by the author remain relevant and can help in solving this problem.