Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

M Maldonado-Vega

Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad del Bajío, México

Title: Characterization of Rhizospheric bacteria from soil around a lead recycling plant

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Yung-Hua Liu

Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan

Title: Exploring the life stories of nurses caring for patients with terminal illness

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Ching-Liang Chu

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Title: FcRI -chain negatively modulates Dectin-1 responses in dendritic cells Ching-Liang Chu

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Kuan-Yin Shen

National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan

Title: Molecular mechanisms of TLR2-mediated antigen cross-presentation in dendritic cells

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

En-Chih Liao

Mackay Medical College, Taiwan

Title: The IgE responses to shrimp are caused by the dust mite allergen- Der p 10 in Vegetarians

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Ju-Li Ku

National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan

Title: Dody mind-spirit self-healing: medicine thought and regimen of the northern Song dynasty

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Sung Woong Jang

Sogang University, Korea

Title: Inhibition of protein kinase CK2 ameliorates EAE by regulating Th17/Treg cell development

Biography Abstract